Network Cabling Types

There are mainly Two Types of Cablings are used.

1. Straight Cabling : This Cabling is used to connect Computer to Switch / Hub / Router.

In this Cabling, both ends are Crimped same. The Colour Code must be same.

Best Code is Universal Colour Code :

1. Orange White
2. Orange
3. Green White
4. Blue
5. Blue White
6. Green
7. Brown White
8. Brown

2. Cross Cabling : This is used to connect Computer to Computer (or) Switch to Switch

In this Cabling the Colour Code as Follows :
One End ..............................................Other End
1. Orange White .................................1. Green White
2. Orange ..........................................2. Green
3. Green White ..................................3. Orange White
4. Blue ..............................................4. Blue
5. Blue White ....................................5. Blue White
6. Green ...........................................6. Orange
7. Brown White ................................7. Brown White
8. Brown ..........................................8. Brown


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